Effectiveness Of Cryotherapy On Atrioventricular Fistula Puncture Pain Among Adults


  • Dr. Shital Pimpalekar, Ms. Komal Bhoite Author


Effectiveness, cryotherapy, atrioventricular fistula, pain, adults


The vascular access needed for hemodialysis is called an atrioventricular fistula. A patient must endure this excruciating operation. Prior to the atrioventricular fistula puncture, this pain can be managed using cryotherapy. According to this perspective, the goal of this study is to assess the impact of cryotherapy on pain induced due to atrioventricular fistula puncturing in hemodialysis patients'. On 60 hemodialysis patients with renal failure and an atrioventricular fistula from a chosen hospital in Pune, India, a Quazi experimental non-randomized control group post-test design was used. Data for demographic and clinical factors were gathered using a tool devised by the researcher, and non-probability purposive sampling technique was used. Both the pain and the pain behavior were measured using a numerical pain rating scale. Result: Researcher used two groups namely control group and experimental group. The analysisdepicts that 56.7% of adults were experiencing moderate level of pain and 23.3% of adults are experiencing severe level of pain in the control group. In the experimental group only 26.7% of adults are having moderate pain and no adult were having severe pain. Minimum numerical pain rating score in experimental group was 0 and in control group it was 1. Hence it is statistically interpreted that the atrioventricular fistula puncture pain can be reduced with cryotherapy.

Conclusion: This study conclude that hemodialysis patients were experiencing moderate to severe pain during atrioventricular fistula puncture and after providing cryotherapy the pain has been reduced to mild to no pain






