The effect of exercise on peripheral function in people with diabetic neuropathy (a review study)


  • Jianqun An, Zhanguo Sub*, Lei Ma Author


Diabetic neuropathy, Exercise Therapy , Diabetes Neuropathies


Background and goal: Diabetic neuropathy is a serious complication of diabetes that can lead to a range of debilitating symptoms, including neuropathic ulcers, loss of sensation in the legs, impaired coordination and balance, chronic pain, and potential issues with heart and digestive function. This condition significantly impacts the quality of life for individuals affected by diabetes and requires ongoing management and treatment to minimize its effects.

Method: The current study was of a type of traumatic study. Searched articles were used from 2022 to 2023 on Google Scholar, Scopus, WOS, Pub Med, Science Direct, MDPI, and Wiley. was used. 91 articles were selected based on entry and exit criteria. After careful review, 71 articles that lacked selection criteria were deleted and 20 articles were selected for final analysis.

Findings: Current research findings have shown that exercise has numerous benefits, including improving nerve transmission speed, managing nerve pain, and improving foot movement spectrum and performance strength.

Conclusion: Results show that regular physical activity can improve symptoms and overall health of the patient. It is important to continue to study the specific types and intensities of exercise that are most effective, as well as the underlying mechanism for these benefits. Understanding the role of exercise in managing diabetes neuropathy can improve treatment strategies and outcomes for patients.





