The relationship between the identification machine of reversible and irreversible changes in brain tissue after ischemic stroke and cerebrovascular surgery
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy; irreversibility; vascular surgery; angiography; anastomosis; thrombosis; hypoperfusion; anastomosis; embolization; durationAbstract
Embolism or thrombosis of major cerebral arteries can cause insufficient perfusion of part of the brain tissue, leading to transient ischemic attacks and long-term reversible or irreversible neurological loss. There is still no clear method to identify whether chronic lesions caused by ischemia and hypoxia are reversible or irreversible. The authors attempted to solve this problem by increasing blood and oxygen supply to the brain in chronic stroke patients, using hyperbaric oxygen therapy and extracranial-intracranial arterial anastomosis. The authors analyzed 35 patients with internal carotid artery obstruction confirmed by angiography. Among them, there were 29 males and 6 females. Ages ranged from 5 to 70 years (average 49). he